How Long Does a Typical Wrongful Death Lawsuit Take in Oregon?
Posted on March 22, 2024 in Medical Malpractice
After losing a loved one to negligence in Oregon, filing a wrongful death lawsuit is a legal right. This action allows the family or personal representative of the deceased to seek compensation for damages. But after the emotional turmoil of loss, taking legal action may feel too overwhelming of a task to start or to… read more
What is Overtreatment & How Can it Be Prevented?
Posted on March 20, 2024 in Medical Malpractice
Most people would probably say they’d rather be overtreated than undertreated when they have some kind of medical condition, but the reality is that overtreatment can cause significant medical issues as well. Between 2019 and 2021, the government says the Medicare program spent as much as $2.4 billion on unnecessary coronary stents. This is just… read more
Common Causes of Heart Failures & Potential Treatment Errors
Posted on March 20, 2024 in Medical Malpractice
Our hearts are robust. They’ve been with us for our entire lives, beating and giving us the opportunity to live, work, and enjoy time with loved ones. But hearts can get sick, too. Heart failure means a person’s heart no longer pumps as well as it should. Typically, heart failure does not mean immediate death…. read more
What is Overdiagnosis?
Posted on March 18, 2024 in Medical Malpractice
What is overdiagnosis, and how would you even know if you have been overdiagnosed? Overdiagnosis is a relatively new term used in the medical community, and it does not refer to a misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis. A misdiagnosis is a wrong diagnosis. For example, diagnosing an individual with cancer when they only have a… read more
How Must Medical Treatment Meet a Standard of Care?
Posted on March 18, 2024 in Medical Malpractice
When you receive care from a medical professional, you expect to receive the best possible care from whichever providers you visit. The medical standard of care is the guiding force for medical treatment throughout this country and applies to virtually all medical settings. Here, we want to define the standard of care, examine some ways… read more
Can a Doctor Refuse to Treat a Patient?
Posted on March 15, 2024 in Medical Malpractice
Doctors can refuse to treat a patient. Even though doctors are generally required to treat individuals who need immediate care, physicians can absolutely ethically refuse to treat patients in certain circumstances. However, there are strict limitations on ending a doctor-patient relationship after the “contract” of care has been formed. If these conditions are not met,… read more
Identifying Patient Abandonment in Healthcare
Posted on March 15, 2024 in Medical Malpractice
Medical providers must maintain a certain standard of care, and the standard is fairly universal throughout every medical profession in the US. Abandoning a patient will almost always mean that a medical professional violated the standard of care to the patient, potentially resulting in a Portland medical malpractice lawsuit. But what exactly does patient abandonment… read more
What are the Different Types of Intracranial Hemorrhages?
Posted on February 28, 2024 in Birth Injuries,Medical Malpractice
Intracranial hemorrhages or brain bleeds may occur in varying locations of the brain, resulting in health complications throughout life. While an intracranial hemorrhage can occur naturally, it may be the result of medical negligence during childbirth or another trauma resulting from a personal injury. The extent of these injuries may not be well known until… read more
What is a Sentinel Event?
Posted on February 28, 2024 in Medical Malpractice
Any event resulting in permanent harm, severe or temporary harm, or death to a patient is defined as a sentinel event by The Joint Commission. These events are incapacitating not only to the patient but to the health care providers responsible for a patient’s well-being. The term sentinel is used to identify an issue within… read more
Why do Intracranial Hemorrhages Occur During Childbirth?
Posted on February 28, 2024 in Birth Injuries,Medical Malpractice
Delivering a newborn is a natural process that may require modern technology to facilitate birth. Complicated pregnancies may lead to the use of birthing assistance tools to move the infant through the birth canal and speed delivery. While most birth processes occur without incident, birth injuries are unexpected events that may threaten the health of… read more