How Is Medical Malpractice Investigated in Oregon?

Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other health care provider does not follow standard medical procedure or best practices in providing care. When that occurs, and a patient suffers injuries or even death, it may be due to the mistakes and negligence of that provider. The key to this process is proving that medical… read more

What Are the Warning Signs of a Prescription Drug Allergy?

Prescription medications are often a necessary treatment for an ailment. If your doctor tells you to take it, find out why and learn if it is the best choice for your specific situation. However, it is also critical for you to fully understand the risks that come with taking that medication – including the risk… read more

Can a Doctor Be Liable for Prescribing a Highly Addictive Drug?

Some drugs carry a risk of dependence. These drugs may still be the best course of action for treating your condition. In some situations, you may wonder if you become addicted to the drug if the doctor is liable for that. There are various situations in which you could hold the medical provider accountable, but… read more

How Does Expert Witness Testimony Factor Into Medical Malpractice Claims?

Medical malpractice is a serious accusation and one that requires presenting as much evidence as possible in the situation to seek justice. One of the ways to provide that very valuable evidence is through the use of medical experts. Expert witness testimony like this can be used to help substantiate the claims of the victim… read more

Can Medical Malpractice Occur in Telemedicine?

Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional does not provide the standard level of care to patients as other providers would provide, and that leads to a patient’s injury or other losses. Telemedicine, which is a type of virtual level of care, still creates the same relationship between the patient and the doctor. The patient… read more

Can Car Crashes Directly Cause Heart Attacks?

Heart attacks are most often the result of pre-existing health conditions influenced by environmental factors or genetics. However, traumatic events such as car crashes may directly cause heart attacks, leading to severe personal injury in Oregon car accidents. Other injuries to the heart are more commonly the result of car accidents and should be treated… read more

What Conditions Are Mistaken for Heart Failure?

Failing to recognize the signs of a medical complication or mistaking them for another can lead to critical misdiagnosis errors in Oregon healthcare. While heart failure is a severe problem, other underlying conditions may create the same symptoms as heart failure, leading to misdiagnosis and worsening of diseases that become life-threatening. A Portland misdiagnosis lawyer… read more

Surgical Burns: How Do They Occur?

Individuals preparing to undergo surgery may feel anxious about a procedure and its outcome but never consider that surgical medical equipment and materials may cause severe accidental burns during surgery. Burns may result in significant injury to a patient, complicating the recovery process and causing long-term, unanticipated damage. Patients are protected and have rights under… read more

Potential Long-Term Effects of a Serious Burn

The skin is the body’s largest organ tasked with regulating its temperature and is the body’s first defense against infection. Severe burns to the skin compromise the entire body’s health, putting individuals at risk of other diseases. Treatment for burn injuries in Oregon is critical to mitigate these potential long-term effects. If an injury was… read more

What to Expect After Filing an Oregon Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

Persisting through the daily struggles following a healthcare crisis resulting from medical negligence may invoke a feeling of reticence to begin legal action. Or you may have already begun the legal process but wonder what comes next after filing a Portland, OR medical malpractice lawsuit. It is an acceptable expectation to have questions, and we… read more