Can a Hairline Fracture Be Misdiagnosed?

Some fractures may be more challenging to identify than others. The consequences of misdiagnosing or failing to diagnose a hairline fracture may result in medical and financial implications for you. Costly outcomes may require taking legal action to compensate for your damages.

Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC offers exceptional client care to assist you or someone you care for in determining if you have a medical malpractice case. An experienced Portland medical malpractice attorney will seek to identify negligence in the standard of care provided. Our firm represents complex medical malpractice claims and relentlessly strives to secure successful outcomes.

The Impact of Misdiagnosing Hairline Fractures

Misdiagnosing a hairline fracture as another health issue may lead to bone displacement that does not heal. Delayed diagnosis may result in less expensive, easily treatable fractures becoming complex medical issues that are costly to repair, requiring extensive surgery. Misdiagnosed hairline fractures may also result in a bone’s complete break, requiring more invasive medical treatment. Errors in reading diagnostic images may also create long-term effects on your health.

Determining if You Have a Hairline Fracture

Various diagnostic tests may determine if you suffer from a hairline fracture.  Physical examinations are helpful, but testing is likely necessary to determine if you have a hairline fracture. Misdiagnosis often results from physicians failing to provide a thorough exam by using one or more of the following imaging tools or scans:

Medical documentation will indicate the type of testing you receive. Reviewing your records can help a Portland misdiagnosis lawyer determine whether your care fell outside the standard of care most doctors provide for other patients experiencing similar injuries.

Discuss Misdiagnosis of a Hairline Fracture with a Portland Misdiagnosis Lawyer

Misdiagnosis of hairline fractures may occur when physicians diagnose fractures as muscle injuries because of the presentation of pain. If pain persists after an injury and diagnosis, contact your physician or request a referral to a specialist to protect against further damage. Symptoms of a hairline or stress fracture include:

Documenting your ongoing symptoms will allow you to explain them better and help us understand the persistence of symptoms after your injury. Maintain all medical records to document any potential claim. Schedule a free case evaluation with a Portland medical malpractice lawyer with Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC if a hairline fracture misdiagnosis severely compromises the quality of your health.