When is an Oregon Medical Doctor’s License Revoked?

Quality medical care is essential for diagnosing, treating, and preventing illness. Medical negligence may impact your health, leading to unnecessary medical costs, additional care, permanent injury, and, in worst-case scenarios, affecting the longevity of your life. Contact a medical malpractice attorney in Portland with Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC to discuss possible legal action against a medical doctor or facility whose case impacted your health negatively.

Reasons for Revoking a Medical Doctor’s License in Oregon

Oregon laws state the grounds for revoking a medical license or certification (ORS §677.190). This law provides 27 grounds for disciplining or denying a medical license. While some actions by a doctor may not immediately negatively impact your health, the Oregon Medical Board may revoke a license for any of the following reasons:

The cited statute provides a complete list of reasons for potentially revoking of a doctor’s medical license in Oregon.

Does Settling a Medical Malpractice Claim Result in a Doctor’s License Revocation?

A practitioner’s settlement of a medical malpractice claim does not guarantee disciplinary action. According to the state of Oregon, settling a claim does not imply incompetence or misconduct by a provider. Additionally, a provider’s settlement payment does not mean medical malpractice exists on their part. However, filing a complaint allows the Oregon Medical Board to review and investigate potential medical malpractice in Oregon.

May an Oregon Medical Doctor Practice After Having a License Revoked?

Oregon healthcare providers must wait two years after a disciplinary action revoking their professional license to apply for restoration. The Oregon Medical Board reserves the discretion to grant or withhold the restoration. Unfortunately, patients may fall subject to medical negligence by a doctor experiencing a license revocation. One way to demand accountability from hospitals and practitioners is by filing an Oregon medical malpractice lawsuit. Furthermore, our firm’s medical malpractice attorneys can assist with reporting medical malpractice in Oregon.

Filing an Oregon Medical Malpractice Claim

Oregon law allows two years from the date of injury due to negligence or from the date of reasonable discovery of an injury to file a civil action. Contact Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC for a free case evaluation to determine if your medical care falls outside the accepted standard of care in practice. Our team can also assist with filing a physician complaint in some instances, potentially leading to a medical provider’s revoked professional license.