What is a Patient’s Right to Privacy in Oregon?

Our medical providers have access to a host of sensitive information about us. There is a lot of information that we may not want providers to share with just anyone, and thankfully, there are federal and state laws in place to protect our right to privacy in Oregon. As patients of these providers, we have… read more

How Can You Report Medical Malpractice in Oregon?

Suspicion of doctors is a common experience. You may frequently find people with stories of times when a doctor did not take a patient seriously, failed to provide an accurate diagnosis, or made a mistake that resulted in more trauma for the patient. When something like this happens, you may wonder how to report your… read more

Can Injuries From an Allergic Reaction to a Drug be Caused by Negligence?

Allergic reactions can be a terrifying and life-threatening experience that can leave you frustrated. Sometimes, you may suddenly react to something that did not bother you before. In others, you may have encountered an allergen you knew about but try to avoid. The latter situation can be particularly frustrating if you have a reaction to… read more

Essential Facts About Drug Interactions

Drug interactions pose a real and significant threat to those who take them. We know they are possible, but most people don’t consider the possibilities unless a healthcare provider mentions it or it is displayed on the label. If you have experienced complications from drug interactions, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries…. read more

What is Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act?

Terminal and degenerative illnesses make the list of many people’s worst ways to die. The majority of people would prefer to die comfortably, at home in their sleep, or surrounded by loved ones. The Oregon Death with Dignity Act allows certain individuals who meet specified criteria to ensure this manner of passing. If you or… read more

Mismanagement of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

Nearly anyone suffering from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) will tell you how frustrating it can be to visit doctors and specialists to no avail. Many sufferers do so for years, trying to manage the symptoms, and many are dismissed or misdiagnosed as anxiety or told that their symptoms are in their heads, leading some… read more

List of Oregon Hospice Care Facilities

The decision to move a loved one or yourself to hospice care can be a challenging step, both emotionally and financially. Hospice care facilities can be found all over the state of Oregon. The peace of mind that you have selected a safe and caring facility is invaluable for the patient’s and their family’s well-being…. read more

What Steps Are Surgeons Required to Follow?

Surgery is an intimidating experience, whether it is something minimally invasive and planned or highly invasive and emergent. Most of us have heard horror stories of someone who goes into surgery for one thing and comes out having endured an entirely different kind of procedure. This kind of mistake may be medical malpractice due to… read more